Competitions achievements with Altaros slugs. List of the prestigious competition, name of team or shooter, position, and used slugs.

Our sponsoring program for winners using Altaros slugs in major competitions, more information: HERE

New Dutch Champion

Dutch champion in the 100m airgun benchrest Mr. Bert Vellen, using: ATP King 40 gr 5.52

New Italian Champion

Italian champion in the Airrifle Benchrest 50m Unlimited Mr. Elio Brambilla, using: ATP King 40 gr 5.52

2024 NRL22 Nationals

Shooter and ranking: Erik Pilsits 1st in NRL22 National Championship Airgun category, 1st in the entire NRL22 airgun series! Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr

Phoenix Airgun 100 yard match 2024

Shooter and ranking: Greg Glover 1st, score 489/500 new range record! Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr

Claudio Flores Gutierrez 2ndUsed slugs: ATP SUPERKING .223 59gr

Extreme Airgun Challenge at the Oregon 2024

Team/Shooter and ranking: Centercut team, Tony Pellegrino 1st, Brad Stevenson 3rdMore info: HERE

Discipline: Long range 140-300 yards

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr and ATP SMOOTH 6.35 .25 49.5gr

S.P.A.W Slug-athon competition

Shooter and ranking: Bill Squillance 1st, score 246 points!

All six top shooters used Altaros slugs! More info: HERE

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr

Wasatch Front Airgun League (Utah)

Team/Shooter and ranking: Pete Papathemetrios 2nd in Precision Rifle 

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr with .22 FX Panthera

Italian Championship

Brambilla Elio - UITS BR50  set a National record of 489.13 points ( first target 247.7, second target  242.6) 

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr


Extreme Airgun Challenge 2023

Team/Shooter and ranking: Centercut team, Mike Bricker 1st full 250points! 

Used slugs:ATP SMOOTH 6.35 .25 49.5gr with FX Panthera 600mm

Centercut team, Gabe Valenzuela 2nd

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr with FX Impact

Discipline: Big Bore Long range 140-300 yards, more info: HERE

12th Extrem Benchrest Phoenix 2023

Team/Shooter and ranking: Francisco Eizayaga 1st, 410.2 points! from Huben Airgun shop, Wolfiek Group, Results: HERE

Discipline: Action Armor Steel Scramble

Used slugs: ATP SMOOTH .254 51gr with Huben K1 airgun

Centercut team, Todd Blanchard 3rd at 100Y Benchrest with ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr

Centercut team, Mike Bricker 4th at 100Y Benchrest with ATP SMOOTH 6.35 .25 49.5gr

The World Rimfire & Air Rifle Benchrest Federation 5th World Championship in Plzen, Czech Republic 2023

Shooter: Brambilla Elio (Italia)


European Championship: 1st place, Results: HERE

World Championship: 3rd place, Results: HERE

Discipline: benchrest 50m unlimited

Used slugs: ATP KING 5.52 .22 40gr